View Full Version : L3IK OMG! ITS... ITS...

01-19-2004, 02:36 PM
Released News<li>Introduction<li>Well its an introduction.
</li> Plans of action:<li>Start your engines!
</li> Its Game Time:<li>Woohoo!
</li> Points Conversion:<li>WOW! Underground points have a purpose.
</li> Rumors:<li>If you spread them, you die!
</li></li> Introduction<li>There has always been much talk about the community having our own Role playing modification to the board. Nothing was really ever done about, most of the premade modification were horrible. The underground always talked about this; the only one that put forth major time was AnonymousNeopet (http://www.nhacks.com/index.php?showuser=7), than the idea happened to die because of lack of motivation (plus the fact that AnonymousNeopet (http://www.nhacks.com/index.php?showuser=7)'s host died on him). The idea than sparked nice motivation after it was talked about in the privileged groups and this is where we stand today.
</li> Plans of action:<li>The first test will be sometime soon. So after along evaluation of AnonymousNeopet (http://www.nhacks.com/index.php?showuser=7)'s modification and his hard work, he was appointed to RPG management. It is going to be installed after major bugs are worked out of it. If the first test is good, than we will expand from there.
</li> Its Game Time:<li>The Role playing modification will contain:<li> Create a Person
Huge Shop
Battle System (summon system)
Money System (zeny)
Job system
Clans / Guild system.
Points conversion from; Underground points to zeny as monthy pay check.
</li></li> Points Conversion:<li>Underground points will be your monthy (subject to change to week) payment. Current would be one underground points is worth about .5 zeny (subject to change) on the payment plan. This feature might not be added until after the first test.
</li> Rumors:<li>Is it based on post count?<li>This system will not be based off of post count, now get that rumor out of your head.
</li> So now that it is based on underground points whoever has the most wins??<li>No, there will be other ways of getting money. Like battling summons.
</li> so you'll get UG points with it?<li>You will gain no underground points from this in anyway. The Underground points are only used to add to your monthly zeny paycheck.