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screaminmonkee 10-07-2010 10:42 PM

Hello my fellow Nhackers heh :)
Remember me?

screaminmonkee 10-07-2010 10:58 PM

Whatever happened to FirebirdGM? I remember Bid, EM, Liam (you had another user which I forgot) I remember there was a crew "murder inc" and someone sported it on a signature that featured "sperm". Can anyone else list the older members :) I'm feeling all nostalgic. And Neopets? I just started playing again and in my defense it was nostalgia ;) Why did we sell out on the C&D when there's a billion other forums on Neopets.

:) And I remember Pandu, and Iridium (I think that's bid) and Dragoon.

Dragoon 10-08-2010 11:44 PM

I'm fairly certain Bid's not Iridium.

EM2915 10-09-2010 09:39 AM

sites dead as a doornail.

screaminmonkee 10-09-2010 12:56 PM

Awww :( And yeah I seen Iridum was another poster. I remember the nhacks days. What a shame. It seems as if the post to view ratio is off, only 2 other posts? Nonethless, as a forum if there's a will there's a way.

Dragoon 10-10-2010 03:44 PM

Nexodyne isn't dead, it's just in some sort of coma. It's a potato.

Biddykins 10-22-2010 08:51 AM

Originally Posted by Dragoon
I'm fairly certain Bid's not Iridium.

How certain?

Dragoon 10-22-2010 01:47 PM

Fairly. I've never seen the two of you at the same time, but then again I've never seen the two of you.

Liam 10-23-2010 10:36 PM

Hey sm! I was Neocheat back in the day, and liam_90 before that. Ten. years ago. hahaha

Yeah we're pretty dead right now, I wonder if the solution we should be looking for is just to chill and hang out with eachother. It shouldn't be so hard :P As you can see the forum structure changed around quite dramatically but not much else is new.

Dragoon 10-23-2010 10:42 PM

Glad to see another familiar face around.

I check back at least a couple times a day, and post as often as I can find anything worth posting. I figure if I keep plowing on with that it'll eventually catch on.

Kate 11-02-2010 09:56 AM

So I just had a thought - remember the old IRC chat? (I have a feeling Speedway had a huge part in this- PS what every happened to him?)
Something like that might be a way for us to get the ball rolling again? Spend some time just chit-chatting instead of trying to come up with topic worthy ideas, maybe just a little "How was your day?" to get everyone reconnected? :o

Dragoon 11-02-2010 10:31 AM

Originally Posted by Kate
So I just had a thought - remember the old IRC chat? (I have a feeling Speedway had a huge part in this- PS what every happened to him?)
Something like that might be a way for us to get the ball rolling again? Spend some time just chit-chatting instead of trying to come up with topic worthy ideas, maybe just a little "How was your day?" to get everyone reconnected? :o

Even when the board was active we had trouble getting more than a couple people in IRC. Right now we've got at best a half dozen people posting at all, and not very often, so I doubt we've be able to get any activity at all in an IRC channel.

I'd love to get an IRC channel going again once we have enough active members to sustain it, though.

Jakub 11-02-2010 01:01 PM

Originally Posted by Kate
So I just had a thought - remember the old IRC chat? (I have a feeling Speedway had a huge part in this- PS what every happened to him?)
Something like that might be a way for us to get the ball rolling again? Spend some time just chit-chatting instead of trying to come up with topic worthy ideas, maybe just a little "How was your day?" to get everyone reconnected? :o

I think he asked to get banned.

Kate 11-02-2010 05:20 PM

Originally Posted by Dragoon
Even when the board was active we had trouble getting more than a couple people in IRC. Right now we've got at best a half dozen people posting at all, and not very often, so I doubt we've be able to get any activity at all in an IRC channel.

I'd love to get an IRC channel going again once we have enough active members to sustain it, though.

Fair enough. We wouldn't have to use IRC, either. Just something chat-based might be cool. If we get more activity I think it would be awesome to bring back.

Originally Posted by Jakub
I think he asked to get banned.

Ohhh. I couldn't remember why he left, but I seem to remember some drama around it.

Dragoon 11-02-2010 05:26 PM

Originally Posted by Kate
Fair enough. We wouldn't have to use IRC, either. Just something chat-based might be cool. If we get more activity I think it would be awesome to bring back.


Yeah, something flash based and in-site would probably work better. My point about activity remains valid though.

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