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Christouffer 01-06-2004 08:31 AM

After some debate the staff has come to the decision that we could use a couple more Admins.

Congratulations to Dawgy and Deimos! They have just been promoted to Admin.

Big Red Momma 01-06-2004 11:36 AM

Congorats to Dawgy and Deimos! I know you guys will do a fine job as administrators especially since at least one of you is on A LOT! ;)

000GHOST000 01-06-2004 01:41 PM

And NO, we do not need new mods now.

Meka 01-07-2004 09:01 PM

Congrats you guys...

Iridium 01-07-2004 09:13 PM

[doHTML]<div style="font-size: 128pt; height: 300px; vertical-align: middle">Congratulations!!!</div>[/doHTML]

A_Guy 01-08-2004 06:29 PM

Congrats. Oh, We need new mods now.

MidgetMan 01-08-2004 10:00 PM

congrats :)

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