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Biddykins 05-16-2010 02:29 AM

Things from the future that you look forward to?
It doesn't have to be totally plausible things, but if it was, that'd be awesome. My main one? Memory wiping. Not really in an Eternal Sunshine kinda way, but think of more along these lines. Watch the whole of LOST, love it....wipe it from your brain, then watch it all again. Same with any big 'twist' film, etc. It would be awesome.

The ability to download and replay memories? With/without the feelings attached. There are tons of memories in my life that I'm quite terrified of forgetting when I get all old and crap, so to have them on disc would just be fantastic for rewatching, etc. It'd be like finding an old photo album, but so much better.

Anyone have any awesome future ideas?

CO3 05-16-2010 03:16 AM

Originally Posted by Biddykins
It doesn't have to be totally plausible things, but if it was, that'd be awesome. My main one? Memory wiping. Not really in an Eternal Sunshine kinda way, but think of more along these lines. Watch the whole of LOST, love it....wipe it from your brain, then watch it all again. Same with any big 'twist' film, etc. It would be awesome.

The ability to download and replay memories? With/without the feelings attached. There are tons of memories in my life that I'm quite terrified of forgetting when I get all old and crap, so to have them on disc would just be fantastic for rewatching, etc. It'd be like finding an old photo album, but so much better.

Anyone have any awesome future ideas?

I wouldn't want to wipe LOST from my head, because it'd take me forever and a day to give the show a chance again, even if I left myself a note saying to check it out.

What I'm waiting for is genetic modifications and stem cell treatments. Apparently they're about 15 years off and should be able to fix 99% of our physical problems. A friend of mine's mother works in a hospital where they're currently doing work on that.

Just think... going into a clinic to get a shot to repair any damage in your body and fix genetic conditions that may have caused it in the first place. Life expectancy is going to go through the roof.

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