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Rick 04-18-2009 05:12 PM

Love / hate your life? Post here.
I was remembering when Nexodyne was a place where we all just shared what was going on in our lives, and commented on how shitty or great it was.

So let's do just that in this thread. I don't care if it's a single line or a wall o' text.. You can brag or bitch. Just enlighten me as to why you love or hate your life right now.

I'll start:

I'm pretty unhappy with my life. I got laid off a couple months ago, it was a pretty high-paying job for my age -- $22 an hour, with full benefits. I had just moved into my apartments a few months before the layoff, and when I moved into my apartments, I also quit selling drugs. I figured I could make it in life legit, especially because I had a great job.

Figures right as I choose to go legit, I lose my job. Anyway, right after losing my job, everyone who owes me money stops talking to me and goes dark. Keep in mind I have about $3,000 owed to me by various people, around $500-$1000 each. A lot of these people were my good friends, and it's unfortunate that I'm having to resort to threaten them to get my money back.

I'm a month behind on rent, two payments behind on my car, unemployment is so ridiculously backed up that I won't get my first check for another few weeks.. and I have yet to find a new job.

I'm probably going to end up moving back in with my parents.. I'm getting back into selling drugs to make money again, and the bank may be repossessing my car.

Also, I basically have 0 friends now, because everyone I was close to owes me money, and I've either threatened them to get the money back, or they're just too scared / ashamed to even talk to me.. There were times I'd call them just to hang out, not even talking about money, and they wouldn't answer 'cause they were afraid it was about the money.

Now it's your turn. Tell me why your life is better than mine, rub it in my face... or tell me why your life is shittier than mine so I can feel happier!

It's like a group therapy session.

Kamil 04-18-2009 06:04 PM

That's shitty to hear. California is the worst hit area by the current recession, I hear there are people sleeping in tents. Hope things get better soon.

Hydrogen 04-18-2009 07:35 PM

i \4 know i'm in love, i've only been going out with her for a week but it's been the most amazing week ever, life couldn't be better.

Rick 04-18-2009 08:06 PM

Originally Posted by Hydrogen
i \4 know i'm in love, i've only been going out with her for a week but it's been the most amazing week ever, life couldn't be better.

Don't mean to rain on your parade, but that's definitely not love.

Being in love takes months, if not years. I've been going out with my girlfriend for damn near a year, and I love her, but I still don't know if I'm in love with her.

You're infatuated.

Also, breaking news:

I just got an eviction notice in the mail today.

CO3 04-18-2009 11:04 PM

Originally Posted by Rick
Don't mean to rain on your parade, but that's definitely not love.

Being in love takes months, if not years. I've been going out with my girlfriend for damn near a year, and I love her, but I still don't know if I'm in love with her.

You're infatuated.

Also, breaking news:

I just got an eviction notice in the mail today.


(Also, band is doing excellently. Not sure about my own living situation atm. Fixed my computer. So I'm 70/30 in favor of good right now.)

JoeyTheEvilSheep 04-18-2009 11:48 PM

Truth be told, I hate/love my job. But... I'm happy as hell to have a job. The two positions I turned down in IT were just abolished (layoffs, poor guys). I ended up taking the job in HR with the government, which is the complete opposite of everything I've ever wanted my whole life. I have a passion for complex problems and software... but I am pretty awful at them. All in all, this job was probably the best thing that's happened to me.

HR brings something new every day. It's not quite as boring as I thought it would be; things can be as complex or as simple as you make them. I spend at least a day a week shaking things up at work. In the words of my boss at my interim review: "You have taught us how to laugh, how to be a team, and how to argue." I regularly brief civilian managers and military officials, something that I used to be deathly afraid of. The stress has been bad for my health, but I'm working on taking care of that.

Overall, I'm happy as hell to be working. Now if I could just get these relationship issues taken care of.

Elite 04-19-2009 01:02 AM

Short summary:

Life's fucked up

Long version:

- Got 2 final exams monday, not prepared for one, so most likely going to have to defer one somehow
- broke up with ex (got back and broke up - lost count on how many times this has happened)
- this hot girl thinks i am teh gay bcuz i turned down a bj offer (she reminded me so f'in much of my ex)
- have been living by myself for over a month now, gotta do all the cooking, cleaning, etc.
- had to pay insane tuition for summer (fuck monster increments in course fees)
- broke as a mofo after paying tuition + a vacation trip in early May
- stressed beyond i can handle and really f'in wish the ex-gf was here cuz she always made things better

fuck my life

edit - fucking firefox is fucking around too fucking much, fuck firefox, fuck you all

HYPERION 04-19-2009 02:17 PM

My life is pretty much normal,didn't really decide my future so i'm letting time decide my fate.

But time is sure passing by..

rhinoceros 04-19-2009 03:37 PM

I have a great job at Staples right now, I'm an easytech and I fix computers for shitheads. I probably owe my knowledge of computers to you guys who helped me since I was maybe 11 years old. Pay at my job is 7.95 an hour plus bonuses. Some weeks it makes out to be about 10 dollars an hour after taxes and bonuses, and some weeks it makes out to be 18 dollars an hour after taxes and bonuses, it just depends how much shit people bring in to be fixed. I'm going to Case Western Reserve University in the fall to study pre-med. I often think about how much this is going to suck because medicine is supposed to be real hard, but I remember that it's the only way I'll ever become immortal is if I discover it by myself.

Rick 04-19-2009 04:48 PM

Originally Posted by ShadowSturm
but I remember that it's the only way I'll ever become immortal is if I discover it by myself.

That fucking made my day. If you do discover the secret to immortality, remember me. I'd love a few hundred thousand shares of your company before you go public with that information.

Other news:

Someone has been pounding on my door. Like nonstop, ringing the doorbell, and straight up pounding on the door. I don't know who they are, but it's only happened twice. Once was around 11 am, and I didn't answer since I thought it was a friend of mine that I didn't want to see. By the time i looked through the peep hole, I saw a black man leaving -- not in a uniform or anything. Didn't recognize the guy.

Then again last night (same day as the first event), around 9:00 PM.. same thing. Knocking and ringing. Nonstop for around 10 minutes, this time as soon as I looked, I saw a white guy leaving with some sort of papers.

I'm wondering if it's the apartments to let me know I'm evicted? Next time they knock I'll answer. The only reason I didn't before is I was a bit worried it was the police, since I have a record and may possibly have a warrant out.

rhinoceros 04-19-2009 05:27 PM

Originally Posted by Rick
That fucking made my day. If you do discover the secret to immortality, remember me. I'd love a few hundred thousand shares of your company before you go public with that information.

I would never go public with something like that, shit like that would destroy the world. I'm very serious about it, though. I don't want to treat ungrateful people as a doctor, I want to sit in a lab all day making myself and perhaps a few others live forever. I'll let you know if i discover anything else though of course, shares galore. Nexodyne would never need donations.

.. 04-20-2009 12:54 AM

Originally Posted by Square
If any of you are adventurous, and believe that there's more around us than what we just see, mystycism, zen, or anything along that nature i suggest you pick it up.

Have you read 2012 return of the Quetzcoatl by David Pinchbeck, I have 10$ to bet you'd love it, and I'd pay 10$ just to have someone to talk about that book with. The last 100 pages are shitty though.

I just finished School, as long as everything goes right I'll be getting a going to OU to start on a letters degree. Life as a pizza delivery guy really isn't bad, I make 13-16 on average a night, most of it goes untaxed, and Oklahoma doesn't have a very high cost of living. No relationship problems, but that's just because I can't stay in one. Life is good, I play disc golf, work, hang out with friends, stay involved with multiple lovers, and get baked :).

CO3 04-20-2009 01:09 AM

I might be getting a job in a computer shop down town.

Rick 04-21-2009 01:21 PM

Barely dodged the eviction.

What happened:

On Feb 27th, I deposited a check for $1,300. It was a debt owed to me by my friend. He charged it on his credit card (It was a courtesy check or whatever), and my bank said it would take 2-3 weeks to clear. I was fine with that.

3 weeks pass, nothing. Even more time passes, still nothing in my account.

On March 12th, the check cleared on my friend's side.. They even took out the $1,300. I still didn't get shit.

I spent 4 hours in the bank yesterday proving I deposited the check, they ended up finally finding their error and crediting my account. I owed my apartments $1,800 for late + attorney fees, so I'm good to live here another 10 days till rent is due again.

Elite 04-21-2009 09:55 PM

darn, how much do you pay normally for rent?

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