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Mitch 08-02-2005 06:30 PM

Unclassified Adminformation
Hello again! I'm here to make a big announcement regarding forums. There are a few major changes that you may, or may not see. There is no more such thing as "Privileged Members" or "UG Members." Those are now in the past. We have now made a new "Contributor" status. To became a contributor, you don't need to follow any fancy point system or donate money. All you need to do is be a good, active member.

Here is how it works: You just need to meet the following requirements:
  • 300 Posts
  • Member for at least 3 months
  • Active, a few posts a day at least

Thats it! There are no strings attached, except one: If any member of the staff thinks that you would not make a good contributor, you can't be one. You could always apply again. We are not going to be as strict as with the UG, though we aren't going to allow somebody who just posts pointless posts in either.

The benefits of being a contributor are:
  • After the staff finishes discussing a new idea, it is posted into the contributors forum for contributors to contribute their ideas, rant, and just give feedback. You are always on the edge of Nexodyne development!
  • Your PM box is improved to 100 PMs, instead of the default 70.
  • There are new "features" coming to Nexodyne, upon entry contributors will gain access to one of them ;)
  • A nice gold username.

Sounds pretty good, doesn't it? But it also seems a little easy to get there doesn't it? Well, there's more: If the staff feels you contribute good ideas and good feedback to us, and you have at least 600 posts and have been a member for 6 months, you get more stuff:
  • You will gain access to the second new "feature" of Nexodyne. Coming soon.
  • Your PM box is increased to 150 PMs, instead of the normal contributor 100.
  • You can have your own custom title
  • You may have avatars up to 150x150
  • All the rest of the contributor goodies that you originally started with.

So, if you wish to become a contributor, and match the criteria, then PM Mitch or Bid. You may also, if you have their MSN addresses, contact them via MSN. These are the administrators that are overseeing this and they will be able to best assist you.

All previous privileged and UG members have been removed. We have a list of users, from the old UG and privileged list, that we will let in if and when they apply. We do not have a list of members that we will not let in no matter what, so you all have a perfectly good chance.

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