Nexodyne Forums

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Big Red Momma 03-07-2004 07:57 PM

Rules - Policies - Guides - Etc!
Important READ ME for all members!

To learn more about Neohacks, click the links below to either: improve your stay here at Neohacks, learn why you should stay in Neohacks, and/or to keep you safe from getting warned or even banned!
  • Official Neohacks Rules & Policies
    • This is a MUST READ, it explains how to not get banned and what rules you need to abide by. After you have read the rules you can scroll down to view our forum policies.
  • Forum Posting Guide
    • Respect your fellow members and don't piss them off with bad grammar and spelling. Grasp this guide and it'll go a long way.
  • The Complaint Department
    • The Complaint Department is used to keep complaints and whining off of the main forums. Check inside for details on the correct format for filing complaints.
  • Privileged Member
    • The Privileged Member section is basically a lesser edition of the Underground. For people who travel the long journey to get Underground Access, they will be rewarded, and this is it!
  • Signature Guidelines
    • Some things you should know about your signature. What to do and what not to do.
  • The Underground
    • The Underground features our best treasures available to this day. Although much can't be said in public, it is in fact one of the big reasons why Neohacks is so well known.
  • User Program Submission Agreement
    • By submitting a program/glitch for inclusion in the NeoHacks Privileged/Underground areas by the user, and by the acceptance of said submission by the NeoHacks staff, both parties agree to be bound by the following terms.
Additional information can be found in our FAQ section. It is highly recommend that you view everything in the FAQ section to familiarize yourselves with how this forum is operated and how you can benefit by being a member. Ignorance of our rules and policies will not be considered a valid excuse.

© 2000-2004, Neohacks. All Rights Reserved.

Iridium 03-07-2004 08:22 PM

Please also note that there's now both a thread and user rating system.

To rate a thread, click the "Rate Thread" link which appears just above the first post on the page when you're viewing a thread. Rating threads makes it easier for you and others to find out the best and the worst threads on the board.

You can rate users by clicking which appears in the top-right of the user-info section above every post. How much your rating is worth is dependent on numerous factors - your own rating, post count, and how long you've been here.

You can see who's rated you, and why (if they left a reason) in your User Control Panel, and your user rating is indicated by the colored blobs next to your post count in threads.

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