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Christouffer 07-05-2004 05:57 PM

Great news for Neohacks!
Neohacks has been through a lot this past year; however we have certainly grown from it. Now that its summer again we can all relax a bit and really get down to things that we'd rather do! Just recently Iridium and I were going over some things and noticed that board participation is WAY up.

Just a few stats:
Last July 4th there were 62 new posts made the whole day. Compare that with yesterday (this July 4th) where we had 564 new posts, an incredible improvement.
Also, last July 4th there were just 14 unique members the entire day. Yesterday we had a little under 300 unique members!

I'd just like to thank all the members who make this board so great. I'd also like to thank the other staff for helping out and improving the board every day. One more announcement: Neohacks has grown so much that we will soon be a government recognized small business. This is huge news, at least to us staff, because Neohacks has moved from the "hobby zone" into the professional zone. Again I'd like to thank all the members and I hope everyone has a marvelous summer!

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