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Deimos 01-05-2004 06:23 PM

ARE NOT HERE! anyway...
  • Current Events:
    • <li>Introduction
      • <li>Welcome to my Current Events.
    • Neohacks Voting Tournament
      • <li>Its in the news again!
    • ChromoX
      • <li>He gets a whole section to himself, the lucky guy.
    • SNES Rom Delivery Service
      • <li>DNAbstract, very kind man, just don't order more than...
    • Privileged Member Guide
      • <li>uh oh!
    • Other News
      • <li>What I think didn't need a title.
  • Introduction
    • <li>These currents events are to keep members updated to the most resent up-to-data information. Every now and then I compose one of these little fellows.
  • Neohacks Voting Tournament
    • <li>Once again the NVT run by Nuke_is_Good and Neocheat, makes it into my announcements. These guys good a great service to us by modding the NVT. In the last round of the NVT Ted and I went head to head in what was one longist poll in a long time. Ted, the sneaky little !@#$@! :P came out on top and has a Congratulations thread.
  • ChromoX
    • <li>He, ChromoX has been with us a long time. He has a great track record with helping people. Exceeding me in programing (of course he does I cannot program). From NVT, and moded the second Photoshop Contest, now to the Underground. He can also be found taking part in GunBound. He has his own thread going to in offtopic.
  • SNES Rom Delivery Service
    • <li>DNAbstract, very kind man, just don't order more than one, or find out the hard way like pandu.Get in line soon or you'll be left in the dust. His thread can be found here. Make sure to read the thread and not just make n00bish requests
  • Privileged Member Guide
    • <li>uh oh, is right. It was updated and now features color coding. No going wrong with color coding even if it is a blinding color of green. :D. It now includes an applications section, the should improve your chances of getting in. It can be found here.
  • Other News
    • <li>The staff has had it with warez, view the topic here.
    • Fett is back, and he can be found fighting with kitten here.
    • If you think you should be in my current events, click here.
    • If you want to complain about this thread, click here.
    • I wasted like an hour and something on this thread, I still feel sick.
    • M A J O R A’ S M A S K is hunting me to death, must beat the game or I'll go crazy.. *twitches* Muahaha... Must get MAGIC BEANS! COME HERE EVIL MASKS!

A_Guy 01-05-2004 06:57 PM

Other News:
  • A Guy is cool
  • A Guy almost beat Enter the matrix
  • A Guy is still a moderator
  • Everyone forgot about A Guy
  • A Guy is still here
  • TH3 3/\/D

I actually though there was going to NUDE SUPERMODELS!!!1111 in this thread :cry:

MidgetMan 01-08-2004 10:01 PM

In other news

I've grown an inch!!!


000GHOST000 01-08-2004 11:00 PM

Originally posted by MidgetMan@Jan 8 2004, 11:01 PM
In other news

I've grown an inch!!!


over what period of time? :P

anyway, lets not post here unless we have anything important to say to the world...

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